In an effort to go green and reduce expenses, we will no longer provide hard copy instructor authorization certificates. You will now be able to access an electronic transcript by navigating to:
You will need an ID number. To request your ID number please email Bonnie. Upon receipt of your email an ID number will be emailed to you.
To access your instructor authorization transcript:
- Go to https://learningctr.redcross.org/
- At the top, left of the screen, click “Student Log In”
- Enter your instructor ID and password. Your password is “student” (all lower case). You will then be informed that your password has expired. Please change your password (to whatever you may want as your password). Apply the changes and then you will be asked to re-enter your ID and the new password to continue.
- On the left hand side, under “Student Information”, click “Reports.” Then click on “Instructor Authorization Transcript”. Then Click “Run Report”. The report will include the following:
- Your name and ID
- Street Address
- City, State, Zip
- Phone number(s)
- Email address
- Current Instructor authorization(s) and expiration(s) dates
Questions or additional information can be obtained by contacting Bonnie at (320) 251-7641. Thank you for your time and commitment to the American Red Cross.