Basic HIV/AIDS Fundamentals Instructor Course
The Basic HIV/AIDS Fundamentals Instructor course covers etiology and epidemiology; transmission and infection control; social and psychological issues and develop age appropriate presentation curriculums. You then will be able to provide your community or workplace the opportunity to openly discuss the facts, social issues and help people develop and practice skills to protect themselves about HIV/AIDS.
Prerequisite: Must be 17 years old and have completed self-study facts test.
Fee: $55.00
HIV 101
The course helps develop a factual knowledgeable base about HIV and AIDS including components of the immune system, conditions necessary for infections to occur, the difference between HIV and AIDS and identifying resources for additional information. This course is available to anyone, but geared to people who need to answer questions about HIV/AIDS in factual and nonjudgmental ways (i.e. HIV testing site workers, chemical dependency counselors, medical professionals, social workers, teachers, and students graduating in any of these fields).
Fee: $30.00
FATE Training (Fighting Aids Through Education)
This Weekend Training is designed to train 9th, 10th, and 11th graders to become HIV/AIDS Peer Educators. Training includes learning the facts about HIV/AIDS, and how to present materials to peers or younger children in a factual age appropriate manner. This fast-paced, fun filled weekend will also help teens build confidence and leadership skills.
Fee: $20.00 to cover materials.
Community Presentations
The American Red Cross is the Area’s leader in presenting up to date , factual, age appropriate HIV/AIDS education to community groups and school aged children. Presentations are provided by trained HIV/AIDS Instructors or Peer Educators from the award winning FATE (Fighting AIDS Through Education) Program. For more information call our HIV/AIDS Specialist at (320) 251-7641.
Fee: Free
For more information on our HIV/AIDS courses please contact Susie at (320) 251-7641.
For dates and times of courses, see the Calendar. Please read the general information about our courses and learn how to register.